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Youths group defends reconstituted NEDC management, Board

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By Akanji Alowoludo, Bauchi

The North East Youths Discussion Cycle has described as baseless, unfounded and uncalled for, recent petition by another group, Northern Youth Right Protection against the reconstitution and composition of the management and Board of the North-East Development Commission (NEDC) as published in the  Sahara Reporters online medium dated 10 September, 2023.

While reacting to the said publication, the North East Youths Discussion Cycle through Prince Mohammed Sani Hassan, 

Chairman stated that the recent baseless petition was issued by an unknown group of individuals under the platform of “Northern Youth Rights Protection” alleging violations of the North East Development Commission Act in the just reconstituted board.

According to Mohammed Sani Hassan who addressed Journalists in Bauchi on Sunday, “First and foremost, we want to express our complete satisfaction with the appointment of the reconstituted Board of the North East Development Commission (NEDC).” 

He added that, “We firmly believe that the individuals chosen to serve on the Board, are highly qualified and capable of steering the region towards much-needed development.” 

According to him, “This Board represents the collective wishes of the majority of stakeholders in the North East subregion, and we commend the selection process for its transparency and inclusivity.” 

“Furthermore, we wish to categorically state that the allegations made by the aforementioned group lacked substance and credibility. The North East Development Commission Act was meticulously followed during the board’s reconstitution, and there is no basis for the claims of violation,” he stressed. 

The Group added that,”We call on the relevant security agencies to investigate the individuals behind this baseless petition, as their actions only serve to sow discord and mistrust within our subregion.” 

He stressed that, “Faceless groups should be held accountable for their attempts to destabilize the peace and progress we are striving to achieve.” 

“In conclusion, the North East Youths Discussion Cycle would like to pass a vote of confidence on the management of the newly appointed Board of the North East Development Commission. We believe in their ability to work diligently for the betterment of our region, and we pledge our support to their efforts,” Sani Hassan concluded.

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